How to unlock new school bus in Daisy Trip? Learn the easy way

How to unlock new school bus in Daisy Trip? Full details If you are playing the game Dusty Trip and need to unlock a new school bus , then you have come to the right place! In this article, we will tell you step by step how you can unlock the school bus by collecting three key fragments . It is completely free , and you just have to follow the right method to get it.

So let’s know the whole process without wasting time!

Steps required to unlock school bus

Step 1: Join the game and take the task

  • First of all open the Daisy Trip game.
  • As soon as the game starts, you will find a man near the garage .
  • Go and talk to that man, he will give you the task of finding three Key Fragments .
  • Now you have to roam around the entire map and find these three key pieces .

Step 2: Where to find key fragments?

Key fragments can be found at random locations across the map. However, they are easier to find in the Desert map as there are more loot items there.

What to do to get key fragments?

  1. Get in the car and check out each building.
  2. There is a lot of loot in DB Garage , definitely check it out.
  3. Some buildings have less loot, you can skip them.
  4. You will find the Bus Yard at 4,000 meters , where you will finally have to unlock the bus.
  5. As soon as you find a key fragment , store it in your backpack.
  6. After collecting three key fragments, go back to the lobby .

Step 3: Collect all three key fragments to create a special key

  • Once you have all three key fragments , head back to the man near the garage .
  • He will combine all three key fragments and create a Special Key.
  • Now you have to store this special key in the backpack .

Step 4: Go to the bus yard and unlock the school bus

Now that you have the special key , all you have to do is enter back into the game and simply reach the yard.

How to unlock bus:

  1. Arrive at Bus Yard (approx 4,300 m ).
  2. Open the bag and take out the special key .
  3. Just go to the yard door and use the key .
  4. The door will open and the school bus will be visible .
  5. Now you can assemble the bus and have it ready to drive!

Step 5: View and test the school bus in the garage

  • As soon as you unlock the bus , it will be available in the garage .
  • Go to the garage and select the bus .
  • Now the colour of the bus is changeable – you can even give it a rusty look if you want .
  • Fuel up the bus and take a test drive!

School bus speed and features

Maximum Speed151 km/h
Fuel Consumption3 liters per 1,000 meters
Number of seats10+ (whole team can sit)
SpecialityLarge size, best for group travel

Some special things about the bus:

Max Speed ​​- 151 km/h (which is great for a school bus).
Team Travel – The whole team can sit together.
Customization in the garage – You can give it a rusted look if you want.

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