Roblox Dig Space Update: Complete Guide to Finding Three New Quests and Treasures

Roblox Dig: How to complete the Space update’s three new quests Today we are going to talk about the new Roblox Dig Space update . The developers have revealed on their Discord server that they have added three new quests that you can complete to get special treasure items . These items can only be found once in a dig, so don’t miss them!

In this blog, we will give you complete information about the location, items and how to get all three new quests . So let’s get started without any delay!

🌍 First Quest: Finding Snorfall

📍 Location:

  • When you go to the space area , you will find a girl standing on the left, who is called P.
  • She will ask you to find an alien dog named Snorfall .

🛠️How to dig?

  1. Accept the quest and start digging in the area where you see the circle marking .
  2. Use the Galactic Shovel , which can give you a snorefall with better modifiers .
  3. If you get a normal Snorfall , continue digging until you get a Galactic Snorfall .
  4. When the correct snorfall is found, pin it and give it to the girl.
  5. Your item will still be in your inventory, so you can use it later.

If you dig early, you might find an item with a lower serial number , which holds more value when trading!

💌 Second Quest: Get the Alien Love Letter

📍 Location:

  • When you go behind the rocket landing area , you will see a group of aliens .
  • You’ll need to talk to the alien on the left .

🛠️How to dig?

  1. Talk to the alien and accept the quest .
  2. Now dig inside the circle again and find the Alien Love Letter .
  3. If you don’t get the item the first time you dig, try changing servers and digging again .
  4. You might also find a Galactic Modified Love Letter , which you can sell for a good price in trading.
  5. Once the excavation is complete, meet back with the alien and complete your quest.

If you’re having trouble digging, join a new server and try again.

🎬 Third Quest: Finding the Director’s Cut

📍 Location:

  • To the right of the merchant , go to a green screen area.
  • There you will find a character imitating Steven Spielberg , named Steven Speurg .

🛠️How to dig?

  1. Talk to Steven and get ready to find the Director’s Cut .
  2. Start digging into the circle markings and find the director’s tape.
  3. If you don’t find the item at first , keep digging.
  4. We want a galactic director’s cut , which will be the rarest version.
  5. As soon as you find the correct item, pin it and hand it over to Steven .

📌 Top Tip:
If you dig early, you might find an item with a lower serial number , which can be extremely valuable when trading !

🎁 What do you get from these three quests?

The table below details the three quests and their special items :

🏆 Quest Name🎯 digging item💎 special version
Snorfall QuestSnorfall (Alien Dog)Galactic Snorfall
Alien Love Letterlove letterGalactic Love Letter
Director’s Cutdirector’s tapeGalactic Director’s Cut

💡 Some important things:

✅ If you want an item with a low serial number, dig quickly.
✅ If an item is not getting dug, change the server and try again.
The galactic version is more valuable, so use tools with good modifiers . ✅ You can sell
these items in the trading market , which can give you great value.

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